


The feeling of death in my mouth is an intoxicating one, the popping sensation and almost creamy texture of the brain as I split and shatter the skull in my mouth is orgasmic. I look forward to that part so much I always make sure to save it for last. I go for the limbs first; feeling the stringy flesh twist and the little bones splinter and break into shards that stab into my tongue and lips, my blood mixing with theirs. The screams feel nice in my mouth, holding their bodies clamped tight as they writhe and shriek, the vibrations shaking my teeth as I smile around them. 

    The one part I personally don’t like is the stomach, and the other bits inside the tummy area. The organs always seem to have a sour, bitter taste that I just don't like. I generally try to carefully tear off the stomach skin with my teeth and turn them over, letting their guts hang out, and snip them off with scissors. If you do this quickly enough, you can still bite their skulls after while they're alive, to still feel their cries for help in your teeth

One thing I feel not enough girls know is that you can preserve them after starting, not for long, but if you bite a limb off, you can usually burn the stump with a hot knife or a match for a while, and it'll stop bleeding, allowing you to put them away and leave them for later if you didn't want to enjoy your treat all at once. This does not work if they have passed though, and obviously doesn't work on their necks. I usually am too excited to finish mine off, so I don't save them often, but if I happened to find a great many, say 5-6, in one evening, then I will sometimes save the last couple for the morning, and yes, one of them may be missing a limb or two by then, so this technique can be quite helpful.

Texture wise, they must be small before you begin to eat, it’s just such a much better taste and mouthfeel. I know it can be very tempting to leave them full sized and have a feast for weeks, but doing so puts you at risk of many things, catching disease, your target escaping, being caught with them (though what can actually be done to us if we are caught is laughable), and most importantly, you risk seeing them as a real person. They are not, and never were people. They know it from the moment they feel your mind dig into their mind, feeling out their hidden truths, and you need to know it as well. If they are small, they can’t communicate, and you can treat them like just another food without risk of being lured in by lies and pleas of mercy. It’s much better when the screams are just vibrations and small sounds.

If the situation arises though, do try full sized at least once, to see if you enjoy it. I had the opportunity when one of them followed me down an alleyway and I threw a brick at him. He went down and I pulled his ugly blue uniform open (yes sisters, I do try and hunt the dangerous ones if I can, for your sake) and bit his disgusting chest. I had assumed that there would be enough meat there to get a good mouthful, but there sadly wasn't, and I came away with nothing more than a strip of stringy skin, and I had to move on to his throat. I tore out part of a rubbery tube, and was rewarded with a splash of hot blood for my efforts and a quite un-swallowable chunk of what felt like old tire. I spit out the lumps and left him there uneaten, and went home to change. You may enjoy the experience, it was quite novel, but honestly not nearly as enjoyable for me as when they're small.

Many sisters enjoy the art of "painmaxing" which is a sly term borrowing from the target's vernacular, and shockingly, a lot of these sisters don't even eat them in the end, they simply throw them away or otherwise dispose of them. These sister use needles to pin the target's hands and feet, spread out as far as they can, and then they try to slowly cause as much pain possible to the target without killing them. It's amazing seeing them at work, using small hammers, exacto-knives, powders, flames, and even acid to really make them suffer. If you choose to go down this path, just know that it could be days of work, so you must be sure to have your 'tools' clean to avoid infection and therefore premature death. It is a rewarding task though, I saw one of our sisters make a target last long enough via cauterizing and adrenaline that he was only a torso and a head by the end, and only the top half of the torso at that! She rather spectacularly finished him with a rubber mallet at that point, as he was too far in shock to feel anything more.

As in all things sisters, make sure to praise the powers that allow us to feel and taste such delicacy while making the world a better place. Just 20 years ago there were dangers all around, people harming us, hating us, trying to stop us from becoming our true selves, but as with all things powerful and good, our sense of justice and love overcame, and now we are once more the guides and justice bringers of humankind, as we were in pre-history. The targets are growing ever fewer, our mouths will be ever stained red for not much longer, though I will miss the feeling and flavor, it is a good thing to be rid of them. The beauty of our transformation and of our holy pagan bodies empowered by those that would harm us shines through into the lesser beings, drenching them in our ever growing light. The warmth of our protections fills the masses, and we feel their adorations return in a hot, powerful surge, creating an eternal loop of life bringing flame. As the old ones said, heat from fire, fire from heat.
