Well friends, I'm still not doing much better than I was last week. I'm not, like, actively about to kill myself like I was, but like. I still want to, you know? It's a rough time, and I'm having a really hard time going through everything and feeling like I'll be ok. I went to a different group to talk about queer stuff Thursday, the long running group, and like, I couldn't really even say anything or do anything, I just sat there and cried for the whole hour and a half. I tried to like, hide it, but people knew. The person in charge of the meeting asked if I was ok after, and I was honest, and I was like, "no". And what do you respond to that? So she was like "do you want to talk?" and no, I didn't I guess, because I just said "no, I don't think so" and she was like "well, let me know if you do". So like it was nice of her, but like it was really awkward for me and I was really in my head and not really all there the whole time...
Then after, I got an email from the founder of the group, which like, wow, that's like, what? And she was like "hey I heard you weren't ok, what's wrong? Do we need to get coffee?" And it's like, I don't think I could go out and sit and talk rn, so I just apologized and kinda summed up my issues and ended it with that. She was nice to reach out, but I feel like an ass, just like, going to a meeting like that and causing problems for people and not even doing anything about it. It did kinda help me like, figure out what was wrong overall, and it's a lot of stuff, and I'm gonna try and sum it up here, so bear with me...
First off, and most important, I'm lonely. Like super lonely, and I don't know why. I see Rin like 3 days a week, I see my co-worker like 3 days a week, like, I should be getting enough people, right? But I just want people so bad... I want to be able to go out and enjoy the world and sit and hang out and have like parties and stuff or something, I miss having friends so, so much... But also... I want a partner. I want someone that I trust enough to touch, without my brain freaking out, I want to hold someone and cuddle while watching tv or just talking, I want someone who sees me for me, and I can wear my lazy day clothes around and still feel like a woman because I know they still see me as a woman. I want to love, I don't think I ever have before, and I want to so so much it hurts. I just want to love and feel loved...
I want to be a mother, I want a child, a baby to raise and to care for, I want to do a better job than my mom and I want to help this child become the best person they can be. I want to watch them grow up, and to teach them things, and to play games with them and show them cool stuff and take them to the park and see who they become as they get older. I want someone to call me 'mom' and to feel like I can take on the world for them and that they're safe because I'm there for them. I want a kid so bad that just typing all this out is making my chest hurt...
I miss my family. I miss my mother and my siblings. I know I can never be around my mother, I know she doesn't respect or believe in my gender identity, and I know she can't be trusted, and she's manipulative, but I miss the her that I knew before I realized that stuff. I miss having a mom. I want to see my siblings more than once every 6 months, I want to get to play board games and ttrpgs with them, I want to let them sleep over and eat junk and drink energy drinks because I'm the cool older sister, and let them watch scary movies they're old enough for, but that mom and dad would never let them see. I want to have a family, and I can't help but feel like it's my fault that I don't have one. I know I didn't choose to be trans, I never would have chosen this, heck, I fought against it for years and years, and pushed it down until I tried to kill myself because I didn't want it, but like... It's still like, if I could have sucked it up and not been a little bitch and just ignored that I was trans, maybe I'd still have my family.
Not my dad though. He can get bent, I hate him. He bullied, hurt, and harassed me my whole life, and like, it was only just recently with his targeting of another sibling that I realized why. He knew I was queer, and he was trying to bully me to be cis and straight. The slaps, the punches, the pushing me down stairs, the choking me, it was all because I was queer, and he could tell.
I'm also really struggling with dysphoria a lot more lately. It's really bad. It was getting better as I took my medicine and worked hard on looking better, but those things have stagnated, my boobs aren't getting any bigger, my face isn't changing, my voice sounds like crap, and I still feel way too masc to really be comfortable in non-queer spaces. In other words, I do not pass and I just hate that. I would give anything to just pass in any way, like, I don't need to be attractive or anything, I don't need to look good or to have people want me, I just want to look fem enough to like, blend in. It hurts to look in the mirror again, I don't know what more I can do, it's just so overwhelming.
My social anxiety and agoraphobia are back, and they're not as bad as they were, but they are pretty bad, and it's making it hard to want to go out and do anything, to put myself out there. I've been doing something weekly for about a year, and it's just too much. Call me a quitter, but like, I don't know if I can do it, if I can do this. I am having people over this weekend to look at a room, to see if they want to move in, but like, I'm dreading it even though they're cool people and I like them, and they seem like a good fit for my house from what I know. I just... the idea of having people in my house all the time, 24/7, it's scary, and I'm like, aaaa over it? I know I need to have people rent rooms though, because of the next point...
I should NOT have gotten a house. I really regret it. It was the wrong time, it was a bad market, and I don't need a whole house, at all. I paid a ton for the house, and the market dropped almost instantly after, and now if I sold my house for market value, I'd still owe $35,000 on it after the sale. I don't even think I wanted a house, I just felt like I needed to, everyone kept telling me how important it was, and like, now that I have it, there's stuff I like about it, but also... I didn't need a whole house... and now I'm stuck here in this horrible state in a terrible political climate that hates me for being me.
Overall, I just... really am going through a lot, and it's so, so hard to want to be alive. If I die, there's a 51% chance I come back as a woman, and only a 3% chance I'd be trans. I... really dislike being trans. It hurts so much, and it causes most of my problems. I'm stuck like this though, I tried to pretend it's something you can ignore or push down or hide from, but it's just a part of me, forever, and... it always has been. My mom said she even kinda knew when I was super little, 4-5 I was already showing signs, it's me, and it's a part of me and I hate it. I want to die and reroll, just, stop playing on hardmode and do an easy run next time. I know everyone has problems, and I'm not the only one to be in pain or to be going through hurt, but if there's a chance I can dip and feel better next life, gods, it's so tempting. It sounds so good, like, just so nice, to just slip away, fall out of this body into the rebirth cycle, to be re-shaped and reset, to be released back into the world anew, a fresh experience. I know I wouldn't really know what I'd have escaped from, but my soul would, it would feel lighter, more free, and that would make my life better overall, I think.
I'm not phobic at all. I prefer the company of queer people, if I dated someone, I would prefer they be a trans woman (just so I feel more comfortable about my dysphoria), I think being queer is great and all the best people I know are queer, and the straight ones are.... not kind. So like, don't think me saying that I wish I wasn't trans or that being trans is the worst part of my life is me saying that I don't like trans people. I feel at home with them, I feel the connection, the love, the trust and community. If it weren't for the trans community, I'd be dead. It's just, for me, being trans is painful and it makes me hurt, and I just resent that it was pushed onto me... I've been told that hating that I'm trans IS transphobic, but... Only by cis people. I think that if you don't dislike being trans, like that's good, I am proud of you and your self acceptance and I hope you bloom and grow into the person you want to be.
I can't imagine being trans without the pain. It's... like, part of it, to me. Like, the hurt is how I knew, it's what defined it for me, and because of that, it's just really hard to imagine people who like being trans... I know they exist, I know people who love it, and they just talk about how much fun it is and how they love getting to do 'trans stuff' and like, I'm happy for them, I envy them, like, a TON, I just can't imagine it for myself, and I think that adds to the hurt...
Anyway, there's more, little stuff, other things that aren't as big a deal, but like, those reasons are why I want to kill myself, in a nutshell. It may seem dumb or like it's no big deal, but they impact me hard, and I don't see any way to overcome them, so like. Yeah, if there's a 51% chance I'll reincarnate into a woman, let's go, I'm there. And if I reincarnate as a man? There's a 97% chance I won't have dysphoria, so like. I won't even care. I'm a mess, but I'm still here, for some reason. I'm just trying to get everything figured out so I can exit at the right time, and to make sure I really do need to.
Until next time,